Strategy Action Plan
The following actions will be undertaken to deliver against the three objectives set out in each mission.
Strategy Action Plan
The following actions will be undertaken to deliver against the three objectives set out in each mission.
Strategy Key
The term digital means much more than just technology. In their report “Digital Progress in Local Government”, published in 2021, Audit Scotland promote the following characteristics that they expect to be exhibited in Councils for them to benefit from digitisation. The characteristics were also used as the basis for the “Principles of a Digital Nation” contained within digital strategy for Scotland, published by Scottish Government and COSLA.
All of the actions contained within this strategy have been categorised using these characteristics to demonstrate how all of these characteristics are being progressed to help Glasgow to embrace digitisation to deliver better outcomes for our society and communities, for the economy, and for how public services are provided.

Strategy Key
The term digital means much more than just technology. In their report “Digital Progress in Local Government”, published in 2021, Audit Scotland promote the following characteristics that they expect to be exhibited in Councils for them to benefit from digitisation. The characteristics were also used as the basis for the “Principles of a Digital Nation” contained within digital strategy for Scotland, published by Scottish Government and COSLA.
All of the actions contained within this strategy have been categorised using these characteristics to demonstrate how all of these characteristics are being progressed to help Glasgow to embrace digitisation to deliver better outcomes for our society and communities, for the economy, and for how public services are provided.