Invest Glasgow provides one point of contact for all companies considering investing, setting up or expanding in Glasgow and the wider city region. The support we offer includes:
- Free location and property advice
- Funding to support recruitment
- Funding support towards rental costs
- Access to partners and networks
- Help to identify partners, developers and operators
- Dedicated aftercare
We will also make introductions to the key contacts in other organisations offering support and advice, a few examples of which are listed below:
- Scottish Development International (SDI) is the national trade and investment body for Scotland, SDI can offer a range of services including: talent recruitment and skills advice as well as financial support for projects investing in one of their nine opportunity areas which includes energy transition and decarbonisation of transport.
- Scottish National Investment Bank (SNIB) is a mission-led development bank providing patient capital to support Scotland’s transition to net zero by 2045 (including the Energy Investment Fund), build communities and promote equality, and harness innovation. For more information contact:
- Business Rates Relief is available including relief for new district heating networks powered by renewable energy at 90% until March 2024, as well as the Business Growth Accelerator to support the re-use and regeneration of existing properties.
For more information, please get in touch using one of the following:
Website: email:
Contact us
We’re on hand to help whether it be working with you to develop a business case or tapping into our local knowledge. Fill out the form below and one of our experts will contact you.
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