To adhere to our ethical principles, Invest Glasgow will apply due diligence to ensure that like-minded companies are encouraged and supported to locate in Glasgow.
Invest Glasgow will continue to seek out new ways to deliver, and extend, our range of services to reach new markets through well-developed lead generation methodologies and world class marketing practices and collateral.
We will continue our close collaboration with the Scottish Government, Scottish Development International (SDI) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and the Department of Business and Trade (DBT) to harness resources and deploy all available incentives to present investors with the most compelling reasons for choosing Glasgow.
Invest Glasgow will continue to monitor investor trends and requirements to help shape our offer.
We will create targeted investor propositions which encapsulate our unique set of assets, offering compelling reasons to select Glasgow as the location of choice.
Invest Glasgow will work closely with internal and external stakeholders, including the Universities and innovation districts, to help deliver the new investment zone, tackle the challenges of shortage of industrial space, in particular lab space to maximise the emerging specialisms in life sciences, and promote investible propositions to take to market.
We will facilitate introductions between inward investors and senior city politicians and officials where experience has shown us the value investors place on being welcomed to the city.
Invest Glasgow will support city efforts (eg events) to attract venture capital (VC) and other forms of investment to support local start-ups and SMEs especially in our priority sectors.
Invest Glasgow will use events such as UKREiiF to promote Glasgow for future development and investment in those key real estate areas with known supply and demand issues which meet Glasgow’s strategic requirements.
Invest Glasgow will support the Council’s drive for green investment to support all priority projects and link closely with the work of the Net Zero Just Transition Working Group and key partners to create green jobs.
Invest Glasgow will encourage and support projects that can demonstrate how they meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals and help Glasgow and the city region achieve our net zero target by 2030.
We will support the city’s participation at future COP events and promote Glasgow and the city region as a sustainable and innovative place in which to do business.
Invest Glasgow will continue to develop new methodologies to promote and pitch our city to new and existing inward investors. We will also help projects achieve investment readiness to be able to meet the strict pitching criteria of the DBT and SDI.
We will benchmark our FDI performance against peer cities primarily via the EY Annual Attractiveness Survey but also via FDI tools such as fDi Benchmark, learning from best practice elsewhere. We will also track progress in the commercial real estate market (via CoStar) as well as regularly scanning national and global rankings that of importance to Glasgow for further evidence of success.
We will provide performance and progress updates on an annual basis to Committee.