Glasgow's educational institutions excel, serve business and fuel innovation.
Glasgow’s universities and colleges remain globally visible and resonant. They are re-connecting the city with its DNA of creativity, engineering and design and have transitioned seamlessly to the demands of remote teaching and learning. Alongside world-leading research capabilities, Glasgow's universities also generate high levels of industry collaboration, research council funding, company spin-outs and student satisfaction. As a result, Glasgow is the only city in the UK outside of London to have 2 universities ranking in the top 40 nationally. Along with colleges they have a track record of working with business to deliver bespoke courses tailored to future needs of its rapidly changing industrial and business base. As Glasgow’s education providers apply the city’s 250-year record of design to corporate and public goals, they are becoming proactive anchors of a changing city, identifying common interests and agendas for action and staking out a leading role in the journey to achieving the sustainable development goals.
"Except for London, Glasgow is the only city in the UK to have 2 universities ranking in the top 40 nationally."
"Glasgow is one of only 10 major European cities to boast a global top 80 university, or one of only 12 to boast a global top 50 university for life sciences."
"Business schools at the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde are both triple accredited - only 1% of business schools globally hold this accreditation."
"University of Glasgow’s engineering department ranks in the top 5 in the UK for “internationally excellent” and “world-leading research”. Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities' chemistry departments together rank 3rd.
"University of Glasgow was the first university in the UK to be ranked 5*+ QS Stars rating overall and is one of only 19 universities worldwide to receive this rating."
"University of Strathclyde’s flagship entrepreneurship programme, Strathclyde Inspire, provides support for businesses at every stage – and has produced many of Scotland’s most successful university spin-outs."
"University of Glasgow has won a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in the field of advanced virology research to combat diseases such as Hepatitis C and dengue, and leading expertise in the secure handling of samples and testing antivirals."
"Glasgow City Region is home to more than half of Scotland’s best secondary schools, as ranked by the proportion of students achieving 5 or more Highers."
"University of the West of Scotland has built a 20-strong international academic team providing AI-driven business solutions including THE award-winning work with French electronics giant Thales, to develop drones used by the Scottish police to find missing people at night in remote rural areas."
"Glasgow Caledonian University is a Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment Centre of Excellence – the first specialising in financial services operations and risk, joining an exclusive group of just three universities outside London."
"Glasgow is home to the UK’s first full-time 'innovation school', which is trailblazing a new national curriculum based around digital skills and future learning."
"University of Strathclyde has won a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in the field of Advanced Manufacturing for enhancing manufacturing productivity while also producing a new generation of manufacturing talent."
"University of Strathclyde is the anchor insitution for the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, an industry-led manufacturing research and development collaboration which is helping to make Scotland a global leader in advanced manufacturing."
"University of Glasgow is ranked as one of the top 100 universities in the world and has been named as The Times Education UK University of the Year for 2020."
"University of Glasgow is ranked 1st in the UK across 8 subject areas, including Accounting & Finance, Dentistry, Medicine, Education and Veterinary Medicine."
"University of Glasgow places 12th in the UK for research excellence, and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities."
"University of Glasgow is a founding member of Universitas 21, an international grouping of universities dedicated to setting worldwide standards for higher education."
"Glasgow ranks 5th in the world for student experience, reflecting high levels of student satisfaction as the city’s universities have supported the transition to online learning and adapted curricula and assessment needs during the pandemic."
"University of the West of Scotland is leading on projects to deliver remote emergency medicine services for Republic of Ireland National Ambulance Service, smart street-lighting solutions for Romania and leadership of two 20-partner European projects to develop 5G network management solutions to a value of £13.7 million. In addition, the university is also leading a £4.6 million European-funded initiative to work with the UK’s National Air Traffic Services on drone-related projects."
"In the 2021 National Student Survey, the University of Glasgow ranked 8th among other Russell Group universities for its overall assessment and feedback."
"University of Strathclyde ranks 7th globally for its responsible consumption and production practices, and 13th for its track record of promoting peace, justice and strong institutions."
"University of Strathclyde is recognised as one of the UK’s leading technological universities with six of its eight engineering departments ranked in the top 10 in the UK."
"Clyde Marine Training has grown to be the largest maritime training provider in the UK, focusing on the annual Trainee Officer intake for the British Merchant Navy."