Project Value: Multi £ billion Investment Type: Various including design and build, franchise partner, development partner(s) Location: Glasgow City Region Landowner: Various Status: Feasibility study in progress
Glasgow Metro is an umbrella term to describe new transport provision that will improve connectivity within Glasgow and the wider City Region made up of 8 local authority areas with a population of 1.8 million. A holistic assessment approach which immerses key stakeholders is driving the development of a vision and shared ambition around a Glasgow Metro which aspires toward a healthier, low carbon place through transformed transit services that will play a pivotal role in the performance of the regional economy, improving its attractiveness as a place to live, work and invest, and one that offers better opportunities and fairer outcomes for all.
It is recognised that despite an ambitious agenda to strengthen and grow a sustainable inclusive economy whilst reducing poverty and increasing GVA - challenges remain. Consequently, the prominence of improved connectivity will be a key catalyst to delivering the long-term success of our City Region economy by providing accessible and affordable connectivity for a wider skilled labour workforce, businesses and visitors.
The Metro Feasibility Study will particularly inform into and align with local, regional and national transport strategies to demonstrate the case for an integrated public transport system in the City Region where bus, train, metro, subway, active travel and new forms of mobility can co-exist and offer improved competitiveness and investment opportunities.
Plans to develop a Glasgow Metro were boosted further earlier this year after proposals were included as part of Transport Scotland’s Strategic Transport Review (STPR2) Phase 1.
Transport Scotland has committed to working with the Metro Feasibility Study team and regional partners to develop the Strategic Business Case for the Metro concept as part of STPR2 Phase 2 outputs, which are expected this autumn and will set out the Scottish Government’s long-term transport investment priorities.
A Glasgow Metro can:
- Better connect the City Region’s key places
- Maximise regeneration through the reconfiguration of land
- Complement other strategies, policies, programmes and actions such as Clyde Mission, to create a more dynamic Glasgow City Region, well connected to the rest of Scotland and wider UK where people want to live, work, visit, learn and invest
- Form an important part of our green recovery from COVID-19
- Help combat climate change and meet our net zero carbon target by supporting a sympathetic transition to sustainable transport in a manner that meets current and future needs
- Improve the quality of life, health and wellbeing for our communities by enabling everyone to lead active, satisfying lives
- Maximise regeneration through the reconfiguration of land
- Act as a catalyst for the delivery of successful Placemaking and Placemending as well as Liveable Neighbourhoods

Growing our economy while cutting emissions and caring for our environment – the Glasgow Metro will help achieve net zero and improve air quality by being low emission and providing an attractive and sustainable alternative to car travel.
A well-connected City Region has a crucial role in the performance of the regional economy and can open up economic opportunities and improve the attractiveness of places to live, work, invest and do business.
Whilst City Deal can potentially contribute up to £141.361 million towards the project, the total cost is not currently known at this stage but expected to be in the £ billions. Significant additional funding will be required to enable the Metro to be fully developed.
As well as the Metro infrastructure and systems, there will be substantial development required in the form of green and blue infrastructure designed to mitigate or offset emissions and catalyse local sustainable development.
Building on the Connectivity Commission outputs, Glasgow City Council on behalf of the City Region is progressing the development of a Glasgow Metro Feasibility Study.
Harjinder Gharyal
Divisional Director, Glasgow City Council
tel: +44 (0)141 287 1282 / +44 (0)7795 332 717