Project Value: £60 - 80 million Investment Type: Public/private infrastructure investment Location: Charing Cross, Glasgow City Landowner: Various Timescale: 2021-2026 Status: Feasibility study in progress
The area of Charing Cross in Glasgow city centre is at the centre of a Glasgow City Council feasibility study to investigate several options to deliver a new connected urban environment through the construction of a cap over a portion of the motorway at Charing Cross junction, and a redesigned public realm from Woodlands Road through to St Vincent Street.
The project aims to address the current policy contexts, Glasgow’ ambitions on Net Zero, the recently announced Circular Cities Declaration, the Recover Rebuild Renew: Economic Recovery Plan, objectives, the Open space Strategy: Nature Based Solutions, the emerging New Transport Strategy and New City Centre Strategy, as well as Glasgow’s Culture Plan.
The reconfigured public realm would enhance the overall placemaking ambitions of the city centre whilst supporting key Sustainable Development Goals, reprioritising streets for people in line with national policy, creating a public space that promotes inclusive access to the city’s social, economic, civic and cultural assets.

Artists' impression of new public realm at Charing Cross
Improved connectivity throughout the area would support local social, economic and environmental sustainability, whilst connecting to the surrounding regeneration programmes and policies. The new configuration would deliver:
- New public open spaces at the Mitchell Library, cap over the motorway and at Charing Cross junction
- Enhanced connections between city centre and west end key civic, cultural and visitors destinations
- Enhanced pedestrian connections and reduced travel distances between Charing Cross station and Mitchell Library and Sauchiehall street
- Connect to active travel routes on Sauchiehall Street and forthcoming Connecting Woodside
- Reduction on vehicular traffic
- Nature based solutions
Artist's impression of new public realm at Charing Cross
The feasibility study is about to be finalised and will support the exploration of future funding options.
Jane Laiolo
Group Manager City Centre Regeneration, Glasgow City Council
email: jane.laiolo@glasgow.gov.uk
tel: +44 (0)141 287 7207
Paola Pasino
Project Officer - Low Carbon, Glasgow City Council email: paola.pasino@glasgow.gov.uk tel: +44 (0)141 287 7244