Investment Type: Residential development site Location: Crookston Road (Former Howford Primary School) Landowner: Glasgow City Council Status: Under offer
The subject site is located in the established residential area of Crookston, approximately 11 km (7 miles) south west of Glasgow City Centre. The site offers an attractive development opportunity on the edge of the White Cart Water.
The site was formerly occupied by Howford Primary School and Schoolhouse, both of which have since been demolished. The site extends to 3.33 hectares (8.23 acres) or thereby and is shown outlined in red on the attached plan.
The site is bound to the north by the White Cart Water, to the east and south by residential development and Linthaugh Nursery School and to the west by Crookston Road leading to the National Cycle Network: Route 7.
It should be noted that a significant part of the site is designated as the White Cart Water Green Corridor and Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) as identified in the City Development Plan. The extent of the SINC is highlighted green on the attached plan. Any development within a SINC and/or a Green Corridor will be limited.

The site lies in the desirable area of Crookston, just 7 miles southwest of Glasgow City Centre.
Site ownership or control is secured
The heritable title to the site is held by Glasgow City Council. The property is to be sold with the benefit of vacant possession, subject to and with the benefits of any rights of way, servitudes or restrictions.
Proposed use is identified or permitted in planning
This particular site will be primarily of interest to housing developers. Relatively modest commercial floorspace with uses compatible in residential areas may also be supportable where there are no issues concerning loss of amenity, design quality, undue impacts or land-use compatibility.
The project offers a potentially acceptable investment return
There is a planning application for 57 units which has been approved subject to s.75/69 agreement and other conditions (please see planning application 22/01772/FUL).
View Planning Committee Report and associated documents regarding list of conditions and required s69/75 agreement.
The project is near market and investor-ready
Coming to the market May 2024.